How Can I Check My Credit Score In Malaysia?

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Ever wondered how to easily check your credit score in Malaysia? Look no further! In this article, we will guide you through the simple steps to access your credit score and give you a better understanding of your financial health. Discover the various methods available to obtain your credit score and uncover valuable insights to help you make informed financial decisions. So, if you are curious about your creditworthiness, keep reading to find out how to check your credit score in Malaysia!

Credit Score Basics

What is a credit score?

A credit score is a numerical representation of an individual’s creditworthiness and is used by lenders and financial institutions to assess the risk of lending money to that person. It is a three-digit number that ranges from 300 to 850, with higher scores indicating a lower credit risk. The credit score is based on various factors such as payment history, amount of outstanding debt, length of credit history, types of credit used, and new credit applications.

Why is your credit score important?

Your credit score is important because it plays a crucial role in determining whether you can obtain credit or loans, and also influences the interest rates you will be offered. A higher credit score indicates that you are a responsible borrower, making it easier for you to secure favorable terms on loans and credit cards. It can also affect your ability to rent an apartment, get a job, or negotiate insurance premiums. Maintaining a good credit score is therefore essential for your financial well-being.

Credit Reporting Agencies in Malaysia

Introduction to credit reporting agencies

Credit reporting agencies collect and maintain credit information about individuals from various sources, such as banks, credit card issuers, and other financial institutions. They compile this data to create credit reports and calculate credit scores, which are then used by lenders and other businesses to make informed decisions about credit applications.

List of credit reporting agencies in Malaysia

In Malaysia, there are several credit reporting agencies that provide credit scores to individuals. These agencies include:

  1. Credit Bureau of Malaysia (CTOS): CTOS is one of the leading credit reporting agencies in Malaysia, providing credit reports and scores to individuals and businesses. They obtain their data from various sources, including financial institutions, courts, and regulatory bodies.

  2. RAM Credit Information (RAMCI): RAMCI is another prominent credit reporting agency in Malaysia, offering credit reports and scores to individuals. They gather information from multiple sources and use advanced analytics to provide accurate assessments of creditworthiness.

  3. Experian Credit Information Services (formerly Credit Bureau Malaysia): Experian is a globally recognized credit reporting agency that operates in Malaysia, providing credit reports and scores to individuals and businesses. They have extensive data coverage and utilize advanced algorithms to generate credit scores.

How Can I Check My Credit Score In Malaysia?

Ways to Check Your Credit Score

Online methods

Checking your credit score online is a convenient way to access your credit information. There are several online methods available to Malaysians.

Offline methods

In addition to online methods, you can also check your credit score through offline means, such as visiting a credit reporting agency or requesting a credit report via post.

Online Methods

Credit bureau websites

Credit bureau websites, such as MyCTOS, RAM Credit Information, and Credit Bureau of Malaysia, allow you to check your credit score online. These websites typically require you to create an account and provide personal information to access your credit information securely. Once logged in, you can view your credit report, credit score, and any negative remarks that may affect your creditworthiness.

Financial institution websites

Some financial institutions in Malaysia, such as Maybank, CIMB, and Public Bank, offer online credit score checking services to their customers. If you have accounts with these banks, you can access your credit score by logging into your online banking portal or mobile app. This is a convenient option as it allows you to check your credit score while managing your other financial activities.

Third-party credit score checking websites

There are also third-party websites like Credit Bureau Malaysia,, and eCCRIS that provide credit score checking services. These websites may require you to input your personal information and authorize them to access your credit information from credit reporting agencies. It’s important to ensure that the third-party website is reputable and secure before sharing your personal data.

How Can I Check My Credit Score In Malaysia?

Credit Bureau Websites


MyCTOS is one of the most popular credit bureau websites in Malaysia. It offers a comprehensive credit report that includes your credit score, credit history, and outstanding debts. You can create a MyCTOS account for free and access your credit report online. They also provide additional services such as credit monitoring and identity theft protection for a fee.

RAM Credit Information

RAM Credit Information provides credit reports and scores to individuals and businesses. Their website offers an easy-to-use interface where you can register and check your credit score online. In addition to the credit score, RAMCI provides detailed information about your credit history, outstanding loans, and legal actions.

Credit Bureau of Malaysia

The Credit Bureau of Malaysia is a well-established credit reporting agency that offers credit reports and scores to individuals. Their website allows you to create an account, request your credit report, and check your credit score online. The Credit Bureau of Malaysia also provides a credit score simulator, which allows you to see how various factors can affect your credit score.

Financial Institution Websites


Maybank is one of the largest banks in Malaysia and offers online credit score checking services to its customers. By logging into your Maybank2u online banking account, you can access your credit score and view your credit report. Maybank also provides tips and guidance on improving your creditworthiness.


CIMB is another major bank in Malaysia that provides online credit score checking services. Through CIMB Clicks, their online banking platform, you can check your credit score and monitor changes to your credit report. CIMB also offers personalized recommendations to help you maintain or improve your credit score.

Public Bank

Public Bank allows its customers to check their credit scores online through its online banking portal. Once logged in, you can access your credit information, including your credit score, credit utilization, and payment history. Public Bank also provides financial management tools to help you manage your credit better.

How Can I Check My Credit Score In Malaysia?

Third-Party Credit Score Checking Websites

Credit Bureau Malaysia

Credit Bureau Malaysia is a third-party website that offers credit score checking services. By providing your personal information and authorizing them to access your credit information, you can obtain your credit score online. Credit Bureau Malaysia also provides credit education resources and tips for managing your credit effectively. is another reputable website that enables Malaysians to check their credit scores online. With a simple registration process, you can obtain your credit score and receive personalized tips on improving your creditworthiness. also offers credit monitoring services to help you stay updated on changes to your credit report.


eCCRIS is an online platform provided by the Credit Bureau of Malaysia, allowing individuals to access their credit information. By logging in with your MyKad or passport number, you can view your credit report and credit score. eCCRIS provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies the credit checking process.

Offline Methods

Visiting a credit reporting agency

If you prefer an offline approach, you can visit a credit reporting agency in person to check your credit score. Bring your identification documents and complete the necessary forms at the agency’s office. A representative will assist you in retrieving your credit report and providing your credit score.

Requesting a credit report via post

Another offline option is to request your credit report via post. Simply write a letter to the credit reporting agency, including your personal details and a consent form, and mail it to the agency’s designated address. The agency will process your request and send your credit report to your mailing address.

Credit score check at banks

Certain banks in Malaysia offer credit score checking services at their branches. You can visit a bank branch and inquire about their credit score checking process. Typically, you will be required to provide your identification documents and fill out a form. A bank representative will then assist you in accessing your credit score.

How Can I Check My Credit Score In Malaysia?

Credit Reporting Agency Visit

Documents required

When visiting a credit reporting agency, it is important to bring the necessary documents to prove your identity. Common identification documents accepted by most agencies include your MyKad (for Malaysian citizens) or passport (for non-Malaysian citizens). It is advisable to call the agency beforehand to confirm the specific requirements.


It is recommended to schedule an appointment with the credit reporting agency before visiting their office. This ensures that you receive personalized assistance and reduces the waiting time. Appointments can typically be made via phone or through the agency’s website.


Visiting a credit reporting agency in person may incur certain fees. These fees can vary depending on the agency and the services requested. It is advisable to check the agency’s website or contact them directly to inquire about any applicable fees in advance.

Credit Score Check at Banks

Process of checking at banks

To check your credit score at a bank, you will need to visit a branch and approach the customer service or banking officer. Inform them that you would like to check your credit score and provide your identification documents. The officer will guide you through the necessary steps, such as filling out a form or authorizing the bank to access your credit information.

Required documents

When visiting a bank for a credit score check, ensure that you bring your identification documents, such as your MyKad or passport. These documents are required to verify your identity and ensure the accuracy of the credit information provided. It is important to have the originals of these documents as photocopies may not be accepted.

Checking your credit score is an essential part of managing your personal finances in Malaysia. By understanding the basics of credit scores, knowing the credit reporting agencies available, and exploring the various online and offline options for checking your credit score, you can stay informed about your creditworthiness and take the necessary steps to maintain or improve your credit standing. Remember, a good credit score opens doors to better borrowing opportunities and financial stability.

How Can I Check My Credit Score In Malaysia?

Author Profile

Randy J.

A passionate and forward-thinking content writer with a knack for capturing the pulse of the latest trends. With a dynamic background in IT and a keen interest in the world of credit cards, I thrive on translating complex topics into engaging and accessible content.
